Registration open for August/September Exam Review Seminars
Avoiding the Temptation to Sweep Errors Under the Rug: The Necessary Ingredients for Successful Lab
CAMLT Opposes AB 1774 (Bonilla): Repeals Laboratory Licensing Laws
New DL Course Available On-Line!
Time to Celebrate National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
Sacramento Seminars April 16 & 17
Zika mystery deepens with evidence of nerve cell infections
2016 Convention Exhibit Prospectus Available
FDA Proposes Ban on Most Powdered Medical Gloves
North Hollywood Seminars March 19 & 20
CAMLT needs your expertise. Volunteer today!
Is Cancer Contagious? Not really…
Sample Stability and pO2-A Learning Opportunity
Clinical Cytotechnologist and Clinical Laboratory Bioanalyst (CLB) scope of practice expansion bills
WEBINAR*: Health economic value of calprotectin testing
Governor Brown vetoes AB 757 after CAMLT and CDPH cites plasma donor safety issues
CAMLT Office Move – We’re Open for Business!
July Newsline and Convention Program Available Online
Equivalent Quality Control (EQC) is now legal in CA
What does the California State Budget have to do with EQC and IQCP?