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DL-968: An Introduction to HIV/AIDS, 3 CE

  • 16 Steps


DL-968: An Introduction to HIV, HIV Infection and AIDS Elizabeth Crabb Breen, M.T. (ASCP), Ph.D. - Associate Professor - Norman Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology - David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Approved for 3.0 CE Level of Difficulty: Basic CAMLT is approved by the California Department of Public Health as a CA CLS Accrediting Agency (#21) Since its recognition as an emerging clinical syndrome in the summer of 1981 (1), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has impacted the delivery of medical care at all levels. As the transmission pattern of AIDS emerged, followed by the isolation of its etiologic agent, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), assessment of HIV infection and prevention of occupational exposure became issues of great importance to clinical laboratory scientists. Over the course of more than three decades since HIV and AIDS became part of the medical landscape, an extraordinary amount has been learned about the virus and its effects on the body. This is due, at least in part, to technical advances that have improved our understanding of and response to HIV infection and disease progression. The purpose of this course is to introduce and/or review several basic aspects of HIV infection and disease in order to assist clinical laboratory scientists in understanding and dealing with issues relevant to providing care for persons living with HIV.

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