The 2024 CAMLT Annual Meeting - Celebrating our 85th Anniversary
You are cordially invited to feature your company and your products at the Exhibit Hall of the 85th Annual Convention of the California Association for Medical Laboratory Technology. This year, we are proud to co-sponsor the event with California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). Beginning Friday, September 27 and continuing through Saturday, September 28, 2024, CAMLT and CSUDH will present an outstanding educational and networking event at the CSUDH campus as well as other locations located around Carson, California. The Exhibits will be open Friday 10:00am-5:30pm and Saturday 10:00am-1:30pm.
To generate maximum traffic for your exhibit dollars, CAMLT has developed events to draw attention to the exhibit area:
Exhibits open on Friday morning
Vendors and exhibitors located in a general public space located on the CSUDH campus for greater visibility and traffic
Coffee breaks available in close proximity to vendor and exhibit spaces
The 85th CAMLT Anniversary is expected to attract more than 400 laboratory directors and managers, department supervisors, clinical laboratory scientists, medical laboratory technicians and phlebotomists.
New Format!
Location to be at CSUDH Campus! Tables and chairs to be provided for the event.
Participant List
Consenting participant lists will be provided at NO CHARGE to exhibitors and sponsors.
Advertising Spaces
Opportunites for advertising will be made available and printed in final program for attendees.
Palladium Level Sponsor
**Best Value**
Corporate logo or listing on all convention marketing materials (including newsletters, website, press releases and on-site signage)
Two complimentary tickets to fun-night for vendor recognition
Exhibitor table
Platinum Level Sponsor
Corporate logo and listing on all convention marketing materials (including newsletters, website, press releases and on-site signage)
Half-page ad in Final Program
Two complimentary tickets to fun-night for vendor recognition
Participation in Exhibitor Round table on either Friday or Saturday
Exhibitor table
Gold Level Sponsor
Corporate logo or listing on all convention marketing materials (including newsletters, website, press releases and on-site signage)
Quarter-page ad in Final Program
Two complimentary tickets to fun-night for vendor recognition
Participation in Exhibitor Round table on either Friday or Saturday
Exhibitor table
Diamond Level Sponsor
Corporate logo and listing on all convention marketing materials (including newsletters, website, press releases and on-site signage)
Full page ad in Final Program
Two tickets to Anniversary Banquet to be recognized
Participation in Exhibitor Round table on either Friday or Saturday
Exhibitor table